A whole LOT of stuff has been going on lately. For Ryry67dude, I know you were expecting "Pokemon in a jiff" from me. No, this time it's not because the file got corrupted. In the midst of making it, I became upset and was questioning if my animation style was good enough. Everything I posted was never as successful as I had hoped it to be. So, I was pretty depressed about it and took a large hiatus from animating. After a month or two, I realized that mostly all artists feel self conscious about what they post. But, we just have to get over it. So, I did a little research, watched a few tutorials, and developed a new animation method. I'm trying to use as little tweens as possible. It should only be used for comical motions or moving from point A to point B. But, I digress. As for Pokemon in a jiff, I don't think I'll be making that for a while. Like I said in PokeFlash, I'm getting so tired of all of these pokemon parodies. I don't want to be a hypocrite and post one up. Maybe, when this whole pokefad dies down, I'll consider remaking it. Speaking of PokeFlash, I'm not really concerned with how well that thing does. I was merely testing out my new techniques with a few lost audio clips from a project I was considering to do last year. As for a real animation, blood, sweat, tears, and semen included, it might be coming soon, now that I know how to utilize what I learned in an animation.
Thanks for reading, if you did.
I feel your pain. :|
"Everything I posted was never as successful as I had hoped it to be." -___-
I saw you stuff... It's normal.
I think you need more practice. PokeFlash is good ;)
Good luck, dude! :)